Actor List

From LMHack

Original Author(s)

weirdboo, LMFinish, Ralf@gc-forever, CyrusLoS


A list of all the actors in the game. These actors can all be loaded through characterinfo, but some special ones can be loaded through other jump tables.

The actor table in Start.dol defines the attributes for each actor. Entries that use odd numbered render types have been highlighted.

Note that file locations starting with /data/ are located in root/Game/game.szp on NTSC-J, root/Game/game_usa.szp on NTSC-U, and root/Game/gameX.szp on PAL (there's five archives, one for each language). File locations starting with /mapX/ are located in root/Map/mapX.szp.



These actors are Luigi.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
0 0x338590 luige /data/model/luige.arc 0 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D08A8 The Luigi actor that the player controls.
1 0x3385AC waluige Normal Transparent 804D08B0 (UNUSED) Ghost Luigi
2 0x3385C8 dluige01 /root/model/dluige01.szp 14 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B230 Cutscene Luigi 1: E. Gadd in Parlor event (event01)
3 0x3385E4 dluige02 /root/model/dluige02.szp 15 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B23C Cutscene Luigi 2: Mario end-of-game event (event52)
4 0x338600 dluige03 /root/model/dluige03.szp 16 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B248 Cutscene Luigi 3: Portrificationizer Room event (event02)


These actors are Luigi's equipment.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
10 0x3386A8 gameboy /data/model/gameboy.arc 4 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D08E0 The Gameboy Horror that Luigi holds in his hand. Can be equipped in events with <GAMEBOYON> and unequipped with <GAMEBOYOFF>.
5 0x33861C vbody /data/model/vbody.arc 3 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D08B8 Poltergust 3000. Can be equipped in events with <WEAPON> and unequipped with <NOWEAPON>. Can also be used on other actors with <SETCLEANER> in events. (event01 and event02)
181 0x33995C bvbody Normal Transparent 804D0DA0 (UNUSED) Ghost version of vbody.
6 0x338638 vhead /data/model/vhead.arc 1 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D08C0 Poltergust nozzle. Can be equipped in events with <WEAPON> and unequipped with <NOWEAPON>. Can also be used on other actors with <SETCLEANER> in events. (event01 and event02)
182 0x339978 bvhead Normal Transparent 804D0DA8 (UNUSED) Ghost version of vhead.
7 0x338654 wplight /data/model/wplight.arc 2 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D08C8 Flashlight. Can be put away in events with <HLIGHTON> and taken out with <HLIGHTOFF>. Can be equipped with <LUIGELTON> and unequipped with <LUIGELTOFF>. It can also be turned on with <LLIGHTON> and turned off with <LLIGHTOFF>.
183 0x339994 bwplight Normal Transparent 8033B320 (UNUSED) Ghost version of bwplight.
8 0x338670 wpwater /root/model/wpwater.szp 12 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D08D0 (UNUSED) Beta water nozzle
184 0x3399B0 bwpwater Normal Transparent 8033B32C (UNUSED) Ghost version of bwpwater.
9 0x33868C wpair /root/model/wpair.szp 13 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D08D8 (UNUSED) Beta Poltergust nozzle
185 0x3399CC bwpair Normal Transparent 804D0DB0 (UNUSED) Ghost version of bwpair.

E. Gadd

These actors are E. Gadd.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
39 0x3389D4 lohakase /root/model/lohakase.szp 48 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B260 E. Gadd
40 0x3389F0 dhakase /root/model/dhakase.szp 17 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D09C0 Cutscene E. Gadd 1: E. Gadd in the Parlor event (event01)
41 0x338A0C dhakase2 /root/model/dhakase2.szp 18 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B26C Cutscene E. Gadd 2: Portrificationizer event (event02)


These actors are the various types of Boos.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
222 0x339DD8 telesa /data/model/telesa3.arc A Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Small 804D0E94 [index.php/Documentation_generatortypes.html Generator Types]
274 0x33A388 demotele /root/model/telesa.szp 90 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A N/A 8033B50C
276 0x33A3C0 demotel2 8033B524
214 0x339CF8 bmtelesa 8033B380 Mini Boos that form to make Boolossus.
75 0x338DC4 telesa1 /root/model/telesa2.szp 91 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Small 804D0AB0 (UNUSED) Cutscene Boolossus
220 0x339DA0 btelesa Boss 804D0E8C Boolossus's big form
275 0x33A3A4 dltelesa /root/model/ltelesa.szp 102 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A N/A 8033B518 Cutscene King Boo: King Boo dialogue outside (event73) and inside (event74) the Secret Altar.
221 0x339DBC kptelesa Small 8033B38C Boss version of King Boo
69 0x338D1C telball /root/model/telball.szp 28 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0A80 Boo ball


These actors must be spawned through [index.php/Documentation_observerinfo.html observerinfo] to work properly.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
121 0x3392CC observer /data/model/dummy.arc C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 8033B2F0 Invisible actors that monitor Luigi's actions and [[Do Types|can do certain things] under certain conditions.
234 0x339F28 soundobj /data/model/dummy2.arc D Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B3C8 An invisible actor that plays ambient sound effects
42 0x338A28 kinopio /root/model/kinopio.szp 49 Normal 0 kinopio1.txp N/A 804D09C8 Red Toad
43 0x338A44 kinopio2 1 kinopio2.txp 8033B278 (UNUSED) Green Toad
136 0x339470 otobira /root/model/otobira.szp 87 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C58 The gate blocking the Clockwork Room elevator
153 0x33964C iphone /root/model/iphone.szp 6A Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0CE0 Black rotary telephone. Used in the Blackout with Flags 10, 191, and 192.

Generic Ghosts

These actors are the generic ghosts of the game (non-Portrait Ghosts).

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
11 0x3386C4 yapoo1 /root/model/obake01.szp 19 Glossy Transparent 0 obake011.txp Generic 804D08E8 Gold Ghost
12 0x3386E0 yapoo2 1 obake012.txp 804D08F0 Temper Terror
16 0x338750 mapoo1 /root/model/obake02.szp 1A Glossy Transparent 0 obake021.txp Generic 804D0910 Purple Puncher
17 0x33876C mapoo2 1 obake022.txp Generic 804D0918 Flash
18 0x338788 mopoo1 /root/model/obake03.szp 1B Glossy Transparent 0 obake031.txp Generic 804D0920 Blue Twirler
19 0x3387A4 mopoo2 1 obake032.txp Generic 804D0928 Blue Blaze
35 0x338964 banaoba /root/model/banaoba.szp 2A Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Generic 804D09A0 Garbage Can Ghost
20 0x3387C0 topoo1 /root/model/topoo.szp 1D Glossy Transparent 0 topoo1.txp Generic 804D0930 Red Grabbing Ghost
21 0x3387DC topoo2 1 topoo2.txp Generic 804D0938 Mirror Ghost (Cyan Grabbing Ghost)
22 0x3387F8 topoo3 2 topoo3.txp Generic 804D0940 Cinema Ghost (Purple Grabbing Ghost)
23 0x338814 topoo4 3 topoo4.txp Generic 804D0948 White Grabbing Ghost
25 0x33884C heypo1 /root/model/heypo.szp 21 Glossy Transparent 0 heypo1.txp Generic 804D0950 Red Ghost Guy (solo)
26 0x338868 heypo2 2 heypo2.txp 804D0958 Green Ghost Guy (solo)
27 0x338884 heypo3 3 heypo3.txp 804D0960 White Ghost Guy (dancer)
28 0x3388A0 heypo4 4 heypo4.txp 804D0968 Brown Ghost Guy (dancer)
29 0x3388BC heypo5 5 heypo5.txp 804D0970 Orange Ghost Guy (dancer)
30 0x3388D8 heypo6 6 heypo6.txp 804D0978 Yellow Ghost Guy (dancer)
31 0x3388F4 heypo7 7 heypo7.txp 804D0980 Pink Ghost Guy (dancer)
32 0x338910 heypo8 8 heypo8.txp 804D0988 Purple Ghost Guy (dancer)
13 0x3386FC skul /root/model/skul.szp 1F Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Generic 804D08F8 Skeleton Ghost
33 0x33892C tenjyo /root/model/tenjyo.szp 29 Glossy Transparent 0 tenjyo1.txp Generic 804D0990 Purple Bomber
34 0x338948 tenjyo2 1 tenjyo2.txp 804D0998 Ceiling Surprise
24 0x338830 putcher1 /root/model/obake04.szp 1C Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Generic 8033B254 Bowling Ghost
56 0x338BB0 waiter /root/model/waiter.szp 35 Normal Transparent N/A N/A Generic 804D0A28 Waiter

Portrait Ghosts

These actors are Portrait Ghosts.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
46 0x338A98 father /root/model/father.szp 2C Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D09DC Neville. He makes the chair actor isu01 rock as long as he's active.
47 0x338AB4 mother /root/model/mother.szp 2D Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D09E4 Lydia. Her heart-reveal behavior is activated with Flag 169 when Luigi opens the curtains.
210 0x339C88 dancer /root/model/dancer.szp 80 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0E50 Male Whirlinda. Shares a heart with the Female Whirlinda, but his HP parameter takes precedence.
209 0x339C6C dancer2 /root/model/dancer2.szp 93 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0E48 Male Whirlinda. Shares a heart with the Male Whirlinda, but his HP parameter takes precedence.
14 0x338718 situji /root/model/situji.szp 22 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0900 Shivers. He holds his candle actor candle while active.
38 0x3389B8 pianist /root/model/pianist.szp 23 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D09B8 Melody Pianissima. She throws her music sheets okami1 at Luigi when <GENON>"demo_piano" is used in event03.
44 0x338A60 eater /root/model/eater.szp 2F Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D09D0 Mr. Luggs. He's linked with his food tabemono and will become visible once Luigi lights all of the candles in the Dining Room, turning Flag 99 on.
120 0x3392B0 dog1 /root/model/dog.szp 50 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0BE0 Spooky. After he barks enough times, his behavior will turn on Flag 88, activating the Mr. Bones event (event23).
54 0x338B78 builder /root/model/builder.szp 33 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0A18 Biff Atlas. He lifts his weights actor, barbell while idle.
45 0x338A7C fat /root/model/fat.szp 30 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D09D8 Miss Petunia. She will allow the shower actor to spawn as long as she's active. Her behavior also turns on Flag 193 once Luigi sprays her with ice, activating her heart and event34.
48 0x338AD0 obaasan /root/model/obaasan.szp 2E Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D09EC Nana. She allows the yarn ball actors keito1, keito2, and keito3 to spawn.
49 0x338AEC boy /root/model/boy.szp 32 Glossy Transparent 0 boy.txp Portrait 804D09F4 [index.php/Documentation_generatortypes.html Generator Types]
50 0x338B08 boy2 1 boy2.txp 804D09F8
51 0x338B24 dboy Glossy Transparent 0 boy.txp Generic 804D0A00 Cutscene Red Twin - Orville: Propeller twirling event (event24)
52 0x338B40 dboy2 1 boy2.txp 804D0A08 Cutscene Purple Twin - Henry: Propeller twirling event (event24)
55 0x338B94 hustler /root/model/hustler.szp 34 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0A20 Slim Bankshot. He holds his pool stick hcue and shoots his cue ball htama4 at the other balls htama1, htama2, and htama3 to try and hurt Luigi.
186 0x3399E8 uranai /root/model/uranai.szp 79 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0DB8 Madame Clairvoya. She only spawns via event37 once Luigi has turned Flag 88 on by shining his flashlight on the crystal ball for long enough. Her heart is revealed in event36 with <GENON>"dm_uranai"and her visibility can be toggled with Flag 92.
187 0x339A04 denwa /root/model/denwa.szp 7A Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0DC0 Uncle Grimmly
57 0x338BCC doll1 /root/model/doll.szp 47 Glossy Transparent 0 doll1.txp Portrait 804D0A30 Blue Clockwork Soldier
58 0x338BE8 doll2 1 doll2.txp Portrait 804D0A38 Pink Clockwork Soldier
59 0x338C04 doll3 2 doll3.txp Portrait 804D0A40 Green Clockwork Soldier
36 0x338980 tubone /root/model/tubone.szp 20 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D09A8 [index.php/Documentation_generatortypes.html Generator Types]
37 0x33899C htubone Glossy Transparent 804D09B0
173 0x33987C girl /root/model/girl.szp 74 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0D68 Sue Pea. Once Luigi sprays her with water enough times, her behavior will turn on Flag 190, activating event86 and revealing her heart.
217 0x339D4C snowman /root/model/yukiyama.szp 86 Fullbright Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0E78 Sir Weston. He loads in with his ice block and remains frozen in place until Luigi lights his two lamp trigger actors with fire. Once Luigi does this, Flag 89 will be turned on, activating event89 and Sir Weston himself.
53 0x338B5C gaka /root/model/gaka.szp 31 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0A10 Vincent Van Gore. His heart is revealed in event82 with <GENON>"dm_gaka"and his visibility can be toggled with Flag 92. Once he's defeated, his behavior will turn on Flag 55 which releases the key from his chest painting.

Ghost-Specific Objects

These actors have purposes related to specific ghosts.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
62 0x338C58 heart /data/model/heart.arc 5 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0A50 Big purple ghost heart. These are the hearts that can be seen while looking at Portrait Ghosts through the GBH.
163 0x339764 heymask /data/model/heymask.arc E Glossy 0 heymask1.txp Small 804D0D2C Ghost Guy mask (solo version)
164 0x339780 heymask2 Normal 1 heymask2.txp 8033B2FC Ghost Guy mask (dancer version)
165 0x33979C heylance /data/model/heylance.arc F Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B308 Ghost Guy pitchfork
61 0x338C3C tomato /data/model/tomato.arc 7 Glossy N/A N/A Small 804D0A48 Bowling Ball (used by the Bowling Ghost)
93 0x338FBC isu01 /root/model/isu.szp 37 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B30 Neville's chair. This one will stick around after Neville is defeated.
94 0x338FD8 isu02 /root/model/isu2.szp 38 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B38 Nana's chair. This one will disappear after Nana is defeated.
15 0x338734 candle /root/model/candle.szp 94 Fullbright N/A N/A Generic 804D0908 Shivers's Candle
139 0x3394C4 okami /root/model/okami1.szp 5A Glossy N/A N/A Small 804D0C70 Melody's music sheets
174 0x339898 tabemono /root/model/tabemono.szp 75 Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 8033B314 Mr. Lugg's Food
157 0x3396BC bone1 /data/model/bone.arc 6 Normal Transparent N/A N/A Small 804D0CFC Bone that the Skeleton Ghosts throw
176 0x3398D0 ebone Glossy Transparent N/A 804D0D78 Spooky's bone
154 0x339668 barbell /root/model/barbell.szp 6B Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0CE8 Biff Atlas's barbell. It will stick around after he's defeated.
95 0x338FF4 shower /root/model/shower.szp 46 Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0B40 Female shadow that loads onto the 2F Bathroom curtains via event05.
169 0x33980C okeito1 /root/model/okeito1.szp 73 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0D48 (UNUSED) Pink yarn ball (no animations)
170 0x339828 keito1 Glossy 0 okeito11.txp 804D0D50 Pink yarn ball. Used with Nana but changes color for some reason.
171 0x339844 keito2 1 okeito12.txp 804D0D58 Blue yarn ball. Used with Nana.
172 0x339860 keito3 2 okeito13.txp 804D0D60 Yellow yarn ball. Used with Nana.
158 0x3396D8 htama1 /root/model/htama.szp 6E Glossy 0 htama1.txp Small 804D0D04 Billiard's ball (yellow 1 ball)
159 0x3396F4 htama2 1 htama2.txp 804D0D0C Billiard's ball (red 3 ball)
160 0x339710 htama3 2 htama3.txp 804D0D14 Billiard's ball (purple 5 ball)
161 0x33972C htama4 3 htama4.txp 804D0D1C Billiard's ball (white cue ball)
124 0x339320 ibox01 /root/model/ibox.szp 52 Openable Box 0 ibox1.txp N/A 804D0BF8 Pink, swirly pattern box with red bow. Used for the Twins' hide and seek minigame (event49).
125 0x3390x33C ibox02 1 ibox2.txp 804D0C00 Blue, wavy pattern box. Used for the Twins' hide and seek minigame (event49).
126 0x339358 ibox03 2 ibox3.txp 804D0C08 Light green box with red X's and green stars. Used for the Twins' hide and seek minigame (event49).
127 0x339374 ibox04 3 ibox4.txp 804D0C10 Turquoise box with green X's and white and brown flower patterns. Used for the Twins' hide and seek minigame (event49).
128 0x339390 ibox05 4 ibox5.txp 804D0C18 Beige box with 5 small, red targets on each side. Used for the Twins' hide and seek minigame (event49).
155 0x339684 car /root/model/car.szp 6C Normal N/A N/A Small 804D0CF0 Car used with boy2 (Henry, the purple Twin).
156 0x3396A0 plane /root/model/plane.szp 6D Normal N/A N/A Small 804D0CF4 Plane used with boy (Orville, the red Twin).
162 0x339748 hcue /root/model/hcue.szp 6F Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0D24 Slim Bankshot's cue stick
166 0x3397B8 gun /root/model/gun.szp 71 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0D34 Pop gun. Used with the Clockwork Soldiers.
167 0x3397D4 zenmai /root/model/zenmai.szp 72 Glossy N/A N/A Small 804D0D38 Wind up handle. Used on the backs of the Clockwork Soldiers.
215 0x339D14 bturara /map2/j3d_effect/k09-tsurara_s/tsurara_s.bmd 85 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A N/A 804D0E68 Icicle. Used in Cold Storage and disappears when Weston is defeated.
216 0x339D30 turara 804D0E70 (UNUSED) A beta version of the icicle
218 0x339D68 lamp N/A 9 Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0E80 Invisible fire trigger. Used in Cold Storage to activate Sir Weston's event (event89) with Flag 89.
219 0x339D84 ice /map2/j3d_effect/k09-tsurara_s/hyochu.bmd 85 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A N/A 804D0E88 Sir Weston's ice spikes

Speedy Spirits and Gold Mice

These actors link with iyapootable and give out treasure when collected.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
239 0x339FB4 iyapoo1 /root/model/obake01.szp 19 Glossy Transparent 2 obake013.txp Generic 804D0EF0 Speedy Spirit (Storage Room)
240 0x339FD0 iyapoo2 804D0EF8 Speedy Spirit (Billiards Room)
241 0x339FEC iyapoo3 804D0F00 Speedy Spirit (Dining Room)
242 0x33A008 iyapoo4 804D0F08 Speedy Spirit (Study)
243 0x33A024 iyapoo5 804D0F10 Speedy Spirit (The Twins' Room)
244 0x33A040 iyapoo6 804D0F18 Speedy Spirit (Nana's Room)
245 0x33A05C iyapoo7 804D0F20 Speedy Spirit (Kitchen)
246 0x33A078 iyapoo8 804D0F28 Speedy Spirit (Sealed Room)
247 0x33A094 iyapoo9 804D0F30 Speedy Spirit (Rec Room)
248 0x33A0B0 iyapoo10 8033B3D4 Speedy Spirit (Wardrobe Room)
249 0x33A0CC iyapoo11 8033B3E0 Speedy Spirit (Cellar)
250 0x33A0E8 iyapoo12 8033B3EC Speedy Spirit (Breaker Room)
251 0x33A104 iyapoo13 8033B3F8 Speedy Spirit (Hidden Room)
252 0x33A120 iyapoo14 8033B404 Speedy Spirit (Conservatory)
253 0x33A13C iyapoo15 8033B410 Speedy Spirit (Nursery)
254 0x33A158 iyapoo16 8033B41C (UNUSED) Speedy Spirit
255 0x33A174 iyapoo17 8033B428 (UNUSED) Speedy Spirit
256 0x33A190 iyapoo18 8033B434 (UNUSED) Speedy Spirit
257 0x33A1AC iyapoo19 8033B440 (UNUSED) Speedy Spirit
258 0x33A1C8 iyapoo20 8033B44C (UNUSED) Speedy Spirit
263 0x33A254 goldrat0 /root/model/rat.szp 4C Glossy Transparent 3 rat4.txp Small 8033B488 [index.php/Documentation_generatortypes.html Generator Types]
107 0x339144 goldrat1 8033B2B4
108 0x339160 goldrat2 8033B2C0
109 0x33917C goldrat3 8033B2CC
110 0x339198 goldrat4 8033B2D8
111 0x3391B4 goldrat5 8033B2E4
259 0x33A1E4 goldrat6 8033B458
260 0x33A200 goldrat7 8033B464
261 0x33A21C goldrat8 8033B470
262 0x33A238 goldrat9 8033B47C

Possessed Furniture

These actors fly towards Luigi when a polter1 actor is present and active.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
123 0x339304 polter1 /data/model/dummy.arc C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0BF0

Invisible actor that will throw ibookr, ibookb, ifly, inabe, otub1, otub2, otub3, otub4, otub5, oufo1, oufo2, piero1 and piero2 actors at Luigi one after another until none remain. The name of this actor is based off of the famous horror movie Poltergeist.

140 0x3394E0 oufo1 /root/model/oufo1.szp 5E Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0C78 White plate.
141 0x3394FC oufo2 /root/model/oufo2.szp 5F Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0C80 White plate with a blue border.
142 0x339518 otub1 /root/model/otub1.szp 60 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C88 Round, purple jar.
143 0x339534 otub2 /root/model/otub2.szp 61 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C90 Silver, trophy shaped jar.
144 0x339550 otub3 /root/model/otub3.szp 62 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C98 White jar with pink streaks.
145 0x33956C otub4 /root/model/otub4.szp 63 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0CA0 Silver jar with red, yellow, and blue flower patterns. .
146 0x339588 otub5 /root/model/otub5.szp 64 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0CA8 Tall, white and blue vase with fine china type patterns.
147 0x3395A4 ifly /root/model/ifly.szp 65 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0CB0 Frying pan.
148 0x3395C0 inabe /root/model/inabe.szp 66 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0CB8 Small cooking pot.
149 0x3395DC ibookb /root/model/ibook.szp 67 Glossy 0 bookb.txp N/A 804D0CC0 (UNUSED) Blue book.
150 0x3395F8 ibookr 1 bookr.txp 804D0CC8 Red book.
151 0x339614 piero1 /root/model/piero1.szp 68 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0CD0 Red clown doll.
152 0x339630 piero2 /root/model/piero2.szp 69 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0CD8 Blue clown doll.

Enemy Generators

These generator actors can spawn numerous amounts of enemies.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
70 0x338D38 poo1 /root/model/poo.szp 2B Glossy Transparent 0 poo1.txp Small 804D0A88 [index.php/Documentation_generatortypes.html Generator Types]
71 0x338D54 poo2 1 poo2.txp 804D0A90
74 0x338DA8 bomb1 /root/model/bomb.szp 4F Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Small 804D0AA8
76 0x338DE0 mgyapoo1 /root/model/obake01.szp 19 Glossy Transparent 0 obake011.txp Generic 8033B29C
104 0x3390F0 rat1 /root/model/rat.szp 4C Glossy Transparent 0 rat1.txp Small 804D0B88
105 0x33910C rat2 1 rat2.txp 804D0B90
106 0x339128 rat3 2 rat3.txp 804D0B98
112 0x3391D0 bat1 /root/model/bat.szp 4D Glossy Transparent 0 bat1.txp Small 804D0BA0
113 0x3391EC bat2 1 bat2.txp 804D0BA8
175 0x3398B4 eskul /root/model/skul.szp 1F Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Generic 804D0D70
228 0x339E80 star /root/model/star.szp 92 Normal Transparent N/A N/A Small 804D0EBC

Other Generators

These generator actors have purposes besides spawning enemies.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
114 0x339208 elfire /mapX/j3d_effect/k03-elem1_eyes/k03-elem1_eyes.bmd C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0BB0 [index.php/Documentation_generatortypes.html Generator Types]
(Coming Soon) PCR & BTI Pairing List
115 0x339224 elice /mapX/j3d_effect/k03-elem1_eyes/k03-elem1_eyes.bmd C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0BB0
(Coming Soon) PCR & BTI Pairing List
116 0x339240 elwater /mapX/j3d_effect/k03-elem1_eyes/k03-elem1_eyes.bmd C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0BB0
(Coming Soon) PCR & BTI Pairing List
177 0x3398EC dmario /root/model/dmario.szp 76 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0D80
178 0x339908 dmario2 76 Glossy Transparent 804D0D88 (UNUSED) Ghost Mario
180 0x339940 dkoppa /root/model/dkoppa.szp 78 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0D98 [index.php/Documentation_generatortypes.html Generator Types]


These actors are chests that link with treasuretable to spawn treasure after Luigi clears rooms.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
122 0x3392E8 takara1 /data/model/takara1.arc 11 Openable Box N/A N/A N/A 804D0BE8 (UNUSED) Green Treasure Chest
373 0x33AE5C gtakara1 0 takara11.txp 8033B554 Green Treasure Chest
374 0x33AE78 rtakara1 1 takara12.txp 8033B560 Red Treasure Chest
375 0x33AE94 btakara1 2 takara13.txp 8033B56C Blue Treasure Chest
376 0x33AEB0 wtakara1 3 takara14.txp 8033B578 White Treasure Chest
377 0x33AECC ytakara1 4 takara15.txp 8033B584 Yellow Treasure Chest


These actors are keys that open doors.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
86 0x338EF8 key01 /data/model/key01.arc B Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0AF8 Regular key
87 0x338F14 key02 /root/model/key02.szp 3B Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0B00 Chauncey's heart key
88 0x338F30 key03 /root/model/key03.szp 3C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0B08 Bogmire's club key
89 0x338F4C key04 /root/model/key04.szp 3D Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0B10 Boolossus's diamond key
90 0x338F68 key05 /root/model/key05.szp 3E Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0B18 Van Gore's spade key

Element Medals

These actors are the three Elemental Medals that Luigi can collect.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
117 0x33925C elffst /map2/j3d_effect/item/elffst.bmd C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0BC8 Fire Element Medal
118 0x339278 elifst /map2/j3d_effect/item/elifst.bmd C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0BD0 Ice Element Medal
119 0x339294 elwfst /map2/j3d_effect/item/elwfst.bmd C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 804D0BD8 Water Element Medal

Mario's Items

These actors are the five Mario Items that Luigi can collect.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
188 0x339A20 mcap /root/model/mcap.szp 7B Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0DC8 Mario's Hat
189 0x339A3C mstar /root/model/mstar.szp 7C Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0DD0 Mario's Star
190 0x339A58 mglove /root/model/mglove.szp 7D Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0DD8 Mario's Glove
191 0x339A74 mshoes /root/model/mshoes.szp 7E Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0DE0 Mario's Shoe
192 0x339A90 mletter /root/model/mletter.szp 7F Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0DE8 Mario's Letter


These actors are the types of treasure that Luigi can collect.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
194 0x339AC8 spearl /map2/j3d_effect/item/spearl.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0DF8 Small Pearl
195 0x339AE4 mpearl /map2/j3d_effect/item/mpearl.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E00 Medium Pearl
196 0x339B00 lpearl /map2/j3d_effect/item/lpearl.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E08 Large Pearl
197 0x339B1C sapphire /map2/j3d_effect/item/sapphire.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B338 Sapphire
198 0x339B38 emerald /map2/j3d_effect/item/emerald.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E10 Emerald
199 0x339B54 ruby /map2/j3d_effect/item/ruby.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E18 Ruby
200 0x339B70 diamond /map2/j3d_effect/item/dia.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E20 White Diamond
201 0x339B8C cdiamond /map2/j3d_effect/item/cdia.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B344 Red Diamond
202 0x339BA8 rdiamond /map2/j3d_effect/item/rdia.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B350 Gold Diamond
203 0x339BC4 gold /map2/j3d_effect/item/gold.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E28 Gold Bar
204 0x339BE0 crown /map2/j3d_effect/crown/oukan.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E30 King Boo's crown

Other Items

These are other item type actors.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
168 0x3397F0 banana /data/model/banana.arc 8 Glossy N/A N/A Small 804D0D40 Banana
193 0x339AAC mkinoko /data/model/mkinoko.arc 9 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0DF0 Poison Mushroom
205 0x339BFC sheart /map2/j3d_effect/item/sheart.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E38 Small/Medium heart. Small hearts turn into medium hearts after Area 2 has been cleared.
206 0x339C18 lheart /map2/j3d_effect/item/lheart.bmd C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E40 Large heart
207 0x339C34 itembomb /data/model/bomb2.arc 10 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 8033B35C Large bomb
208 0x339C50 itemboms 8033B368 Small bomb

Special Doors

These are special actors that link with doors.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
225 0x339E2C fakedoor /root/model/fakedoor.szp 5B Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B398 Fake Door in the F1 and F2 hallways
226 0x339E48 fkdoor2 /root/model/fkdoor2.szp 5C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0EAC Fake Door in the Attic
227 0x339E64 fkdoor3 /root/model/fkdoor3.szp 5D Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0EB4 Fake Door in the Laundry Room
264 0x33A270 eldoor01 (Coming Soon) PCR & BTI Pairing List/data/model/dummy.arc C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 8033B494 [index.php/Documentation_generatortypes.html Generator Types]
265 0x33A28C eldoor02 8033B4A0
266 0x33A2A8 eldoor03 8033B4AC
267 0x33A2C4 eldoor04 8033B4B8
268 0x33A2E0 eldoor05 8033B4C4
269 0x33A2FC eldoor06 8033B4D0
270 0x33A318 eldoor07

/map2/j3d_effect/d55_kekkai/kek_a.bmd /data/model/dummy.arc

C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 8033B4DC
271 0x33A0x334 eldoor08

/map2/j3d_effect/d55_kekkai/kek_b.bmd /data/model/dummy.arc

C Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 8033B4E8
272 0x33A350 eldoor09 8033B4F4
273 0x33A36C eldoor10 8033B500

Boneyard Plant

These are Boneyard Plant actors.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
235 0x339F44 seed /root/model/seed.szp 8A Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0ED4 The seed / sprout stage of the Boneyard Plant
236 0x339F60 blossom /root/model/blossom.szp 8B Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0EDC The bud / flower stage of the Boneyard Plant
237 0x339F7C nut /root/model/nut.szp 8C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0EE4 The nut / open nut stage of the Boneyard Plant
238 0x339F98 kareki /root/model/kareki.szp 8D Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0EE8 The death stage of the Boneyard Plant

Chauncey Fight

These are actors that relate to the Chauncey fight.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
63 0x338C74 baby /root/model/baby.szp 24 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 804D0A58 Chauncey. He cannot spawn without at least one ikuma1 entry in the room with hom.
64 0x338C90 bbaby Boss 804D0A60 Boss version of Chauncey
65 0x338CAC babyball /root/model/babyball.szp 25 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 8033B290 Giant baby ball. Used in the Chauncey fight.
66 0x338CC8 moku /root/model/moku.szp 26 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0A68 Giant rocking horse. Used in the Chauncey fight.
67 0x338CE4 moku2 804D0A70 Cutscene giant rocking horse: Chauncey boss intro event (event64)
68 0x338D00 bball /root/model/bball.szp 27 Glossy 2 wait.txp N/A 804D0A78 Chauncey's ball. Hitting Chauncey with it turns Flag 47 on which activates event50, sending Luigi to the Boss Battle.
129 0x3393AC ikuma1 /root/model/ikuma.szp 53 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0C20 A teddy bear. Chauncey throws these at Luigi when activated with Flag 169.

Bogmire Fight

These are actors that relate to the Bogmire fight.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
211 0x339CA4 bshadow /root/model/bshadow.szp 83 Fullbright Transparent N/A N/A Small 804D0E58 Bogmire shadow clone. This one is the smaller variant.
212 0x339CC0 bshadow2 /root/model/bshadow2.szp 84 Fullbright N/A N/A N/A 8033B374 Bogmire shadow clone. This one is the larger variant.
213 0x339CDC bfire /root/model/bfire.szp 82 Normal Transparent N/A N/A Boss 804D0E60 Bogmire. The locations he spawns are dependent on RNG.

Bowser Fight

These are actors that relate to the Bowser fight.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
229 0x339E9C kopahead /root/model/kopahead.szp 95 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B3A4 Bowser's head
230 0x339EB8 kopabody /root/model/kopabody.szp 96 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B3B0 Bowser's body
231 0x339ED4 kopabom /root/model/kopabom.szp 97 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0EC4 Bowser's spiky bomb
232 0x339EF0 kopakage /root/model/kopakage.szp 98 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B3BC Bowser's shadow
233 0x339F0C pillar /root/model/pillar.szp 99 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0ECC Pillar from Bowser's Arena

Dollhouse Doors and Elevators (Clockwork Room)

These are actors that make up some of the details of the dollhouses in the Clockwork Room

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
130 0x3393C8 odoor1 /root/model/odoor1.szp 54 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C28 Pink door used in the dollhouses on the left side of the Clockwork Room.
131 0x3393E4 odoor2 /root/model/odoor2.szp 55 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C30 Yellow door used in the dollhouses on the left side of the Clockwork Room.
132 0x339400 odoor3 /root/model/odoor3.szp 56 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C38 Smaller pink door used on the left side of the main dollhouse in the Clockwork Room.
133 0x33941C odoor4 /root/model/odoor4.szp 57 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C40 Pink door used in the dollhouses on the right side of the Clockwork Room.
134 0x339438 odoor5 /root/model/odoor5.szp 58 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C48 Yellow door used in the dollhouses on the right side of the Clockwork Room.
135 0x339454 odoor6 /root/model/odoor6.szp 59 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C50 Smaller pink door used on the right side of the main dollhouse in the Clockwork Room.
137 0x33948C oere /root/model/oere.szp 88 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C60 The Clockwork Room elevator. It's in the shape of a long rectangular prism.
138 0x3394A8 kere /root/model/kere.szp 89 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0C68 The Roof elevator. It's in the shape of a cube.

Portrificationizer Machine Parts

These actors make up the Portrificationizer Machine seen in map4.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
77 0x338DFC kiarm /root/model/kiarm.szp 3F Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0AB8 The "arms" part of the Portrificationizer Machine that grabs Portraits at the end of the process.
78 0x338E18 kiashuk /root/model/kiashuk.szp 40 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0AC0 The "oven" part of the Portrificationizer Machine that bakes the ghosts onto the Portraits near the end of the process.
79 0x338E34 kibet /root/model/kibet.szp 41 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0AC8 The two "smasher" parts of the Portrificationizer Machine that meet together and squish the ghosts flat before they get zapped with electricity.
80 0x338E50 kifuta /root/model/kifuta.szp 42 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0AD0 The last "collector" part of the Portrificationizer Machine that clamps open and shut to collect each Portrait.
81 0x338E6C kisentak /root/model/kisentak.szp 43 Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B2A8 The first "collector" part of the Portrificationizer Machine that Luigi puts his Poltergust nozzle into. It also includes the "washing machine" part.
82 0x338E88 kitv /root/model/kitv.szp 44 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0AD8 The "cow udders" part of the Portrificationizer Machine that zaps ghosts with electricity. It also contains a small wooden TV easter egg with an image of the Spaceworld 2000 ghosts playing cards on it, hence the the tv part of the name kitv.

Reversed Portrificationizer Machine Parts

These actors make up the reversed Portrificationizer Machine seen in map12.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
277 0x33A3DC edarm /root/model/edarm.szp 9A Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F38 Clone of kiarm.
278 0x33A3F8 edashuk /root/model/edashuk.szp 9B Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F40 Clone of kiashuk
279 0x33A414 edbet /root/model/edbet.szp 9C Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F48 Clone of kibet.
280 0x33A430 edfuta /root/model/edfuta.szp 9D Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F50 Clone of kifuta.
281 0x33A44C edsentak /root/model/edsentak.szp 9E Normal N/A N/A N/A 8033B530 Clone of kisentak.
282 0x33A468 edtv /root/model/edtv.szp 9F Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F58 Clone of kitv.
283 0x33A484 edusiro /root/model/edusiro.szp A0 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F60 Clone of kiusiro.
223 0x339DF4 dkikai /root/model/dikikai.szp 8E Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0E9C Replaces edsentak via ASM if Flag 255 is ON during the end of event52 when Mario is ejected from the Portrificationizer Machine.
224 0x339E10 dwaku /root/model/dwaku.szp 8F Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0EA4 The metal vent part of edsentak that gets stuck on Mario's head at the end of event52.

Flattened Ghosts (Portrificationizer Room)

These mostly unused flattened ghost actors go through the Portrification process.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
285 0x33A4BC obasoul1 /root/model/obasoul1.szp A2 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A N/A 8033B53C The small blue ghost with yellow eyes that gets tossed around the "washing machine" part of kisentak during the Portrification process.
286 0x33A4D8 kopatele /root/model/kopatele.szp A3 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A N/A 8033B548 The King Boo and Bowser Head that gets tossed around the "washing machine" part of kisentak during the Portrification process.
287 0x33A4F4 oba00n /root/model/oba00n.szp A4 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F70 The flattened Mario model that gets pushed through the Portrificationizer machine during the reversal process.
96 0x339010 oba01n /root/model/oba01n.szp A6 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B48 The flattened blue ghost with yellow eyes that gets crushed and zapped as it goes through the Portrification process.
100 0x339080 oba02n /root/model/oba02n.szp AA Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B68 (UNUSED) Flattened Lydia model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
289 0x33A52C oba03n /root/model/oba03n.szp AE Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F80 (UNUSED) Flattened Chauncey model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
293 0x33A59C oba04n /root/model/oba04n.szp B2 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FA0 (UNUSED) Flattened Whirlindas model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
297 0x33A60C oba05n /root/model/oba05n.szp B6 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FC0 (UNUSED) Flattened Madame Clairvoya model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
301 0x33A67C oba06n /root/model/oba06n.szp BA Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FE0 (UNUSED) Flattened Shivers model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
305 0x33A6EC oba07n /root/model/oba07n.szp BE Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1000 (UNUSED) Flattened Melody Pianissima model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
309 0x33A75C oba08n /root/model/oba08n.szp C2 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1020 (UNUSED) Flattened Mr. Luggs model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
313 0x33A7CC oba09n /root/model/oba09n.szp C6 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1040 (UNUSED) Flattened Spooky model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
317 0x33A83C oba10n /root/model/oba10n.szp CA Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1060 (UNUSED) Flattened Bogmire model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
321 0x33A8AC oba11n /root/model/oba11n.szp CE Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1080 (UNUSED) Flattened Biff Atlas model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
325 0x33A91C oba12n /root/model/oba12n.szp D2 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10A0 (UNUSED) Flattened Slim Bankshot model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
329 0x33A98C oba13n /root/model/oba13n.szp D6 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10C0 (UNUSED) Flattened Miss Petunia model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
333 0x33A9FC oba14n /root/model/oba14n.szp DA Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10E0 (UNUSED) Flattened Nana model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
337 0x33AA6C oba15n /root/model/oba15n.szp DE Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1100 (UNUSED) Flattened Twins model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
341 0x33AADC oba16n /root/model/oba16n.szp E2 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1120 (UNUSED) Flattened Boolossus model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
345 0x33AB4C oba17n /root/model/oba17n.szp E6 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1140 (UNUSED) Flattened Jarvis model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
349 0x33ABBC oba18n /root/model/oba18n.szp EA Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1160 (UNUSED) Flattened Sue Pea model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
353 0x33AC2C oba19n /root/model/oba19n.szp EE Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1180 (UNUSED) Flattened Vincent Van Gore model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
357 0x33AC9C oba20n /root/model/oba20n.szp F2 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11A0 (UNUSED) Flattened Uncle Grimmly model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
361 0x33AD0C oba21n /root/model/oba21n.szp F6 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11C0 (UNUSED) Flattened Clockwork Soldiers model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
365 0x33AD7C oba22n /root/model/oba22n.szp FA Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11E0 (UNUSED) Flattened Sir Weston model that would've been used in the Portrification process.
369 0x33ADEC oba23n /root/model/oba23n.szp FE Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1200 Flattened King Boo and Bowser model that gets crushed and zapped as it goes through the Portrification process.

Ghost Portraits (Portrificationizer Room)

These actors are ghost portraits as seen at the end of the Portrification process. These are not the portrait models seen in the Gallery.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
288 0x33A510 oba00g1 /root/model/oba00g1.szp A5 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F78 The Mario Portrait model used for a brief moment during the beginning of the reversal process.
97 0x33902C oba01g1 /root/model/oba01g1.szp A7 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B50 Neville's Bronze Portrait.
98 0x339048 oba01g2 /root/model/oba01g2.szp A8 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B58 Neville's Silver Portrait.
99 0x339064 oba01g3 /root/model/oba01g3.szp A9 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B60 Neville's Gold Portrait.
101 0x33909C oba02g1 /root/model/oba02g1.szp AB Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B70 Lydia's Bronze Portrait.
102 0x3390B8 oba02g2 /root/model/oba02g2.szp AC Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B78 Lydia's Silver Portrait.
103 0x3390D4 oba02g3 /root/model/oba02g3.szp AD Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B80 Lydia's Gold Portrait.
290 0x33A548 oba03g1 /root/model/oba03g1.szp AF Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F88 Chauncey's Bronze Portrait.
291 0x33A564 oba03g2 /root/model/oba03g2.szp B0 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F90 Chauncey's Silver Portrait.
292 0x33A580 oba03g3 /root/model/oba03g3.szp B1 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0F98 Chauncey's Gold Portrait.
294 0x33A5B8 oba04g1 /root/model/oba04g1.szp B3 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FA8 The Whirlindas' Bronze Portrait.
295 0x33A5D4 oba04g2 /root/model/oba04g2.szp B4 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FB0 The Whirlindas' Silver Portrait.
296 0x33A5F0 oba04g3 /root/model/oba04g3.szp B5 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FB8 The Whirlindas' Gold Portrait.
298 0x33A628 oba05g1 /root/model/oba05g1.szp B7 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FC8 Madame Clairvoya's Bronze Portrait.
299 0x33A644 oba05g2 /root/model/oba05g2.szp B8 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FD0 Madame Clairvoya's Silver Portrait.
300 0x33A660 oba05g3 /root/model/oba05g3.szp B9 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FD8 Madame Clairvoya's Gold Portrait.
302 0x33A698 oba06g1 /root/model/oba06g1.szp BB Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FE8 Shivers' Bronze Portrait.
303 0x33A6B4 oba06g2 /root/model/oba06g2.szp BC Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FF0 Shivers' Silver Portrait.
304 0x33A6D0 oba06g3 /root/model/oba06g3.szp BD Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0FF8 Shivers' Gold Portrait.
306 0x33A708 oba07g1 /root/model/oba07g1.szp BF Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1008 Melody Pianissima's Bronze Portrait.
307 0x33A724 oba07g2 /root/model/oba07g2.szp C0 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1010 Melody Pianissima's Silver Portrait.
308 0x33A740 oba07g3 /root/model/oba07g3.szp C1 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1018 Melody Pianissima's Gold Portrait.
310 0x33A778 oba08g1 /root/model/oba08g1.szp C3 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1028 Mr. Luggs' Bronze Portrait.
311 0x33A794 oba08g2 /root/model/oba08g2.szp C4 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1030 Mr. Luggs' Silver Portrait.
312 0x33A7B0 oba08g3 /root/model/oba08g3.szp C5 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1038 Mr. Luggs' Gold Portrait.
314 0x33A7E8 oba09g1 /root/model/oba09g1.szp C7 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1048 Spooky's Bronze Portrait.
315 0x33A804 oba09g2 /root/model/oba09g2.szp C8 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1050 Spooky's Silver Portrait.
316 0x33A820 oba09g3 /root/model/oba09g3.szp C9 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1058 Spooky's Gold Portrait.
318 0x33A858 oba10g1 /root/model/oba10g1.szp CB Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1068 Bogmire's Bronze Portrait.
319 0x33A874 oba10g2 /root/model/oba10g2.szp CC Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1070 Bogmire's Silver Portrait.
320 0x33A890 oba10g3 /root/model/oba10g3.szp CD Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1078 Bogmire's Gold Portrait.
322 0x33A8C8 oba11g1 /root/model/oba11g1.szp CF Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1088 Biff Atlas' Bronze Portrait.
323 0x33A8E4 oba11g2 /root/model/oba11g2.szp D0 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1090 Biff Atlas' Silver Portrait.
324 0x33A900 oba11g3 /root/model/oba11g3.szp D1 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1098 Biff Atlas' Gold Portrait.
326 0x33A938 oba12g1 /root/model/oba12g1.szp D3 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10A8 Slim Bankshot's Bronze Portrait.
327 0x33A954 oba12g2 /root/model/oba12g2.szp D4 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10B0 Slim Bankshot's Silver Portrait.
328 0x33A970 oba12g3 /root/model/oba12g3.szp D5 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10B8 Slim Bankshot's Gold Portrait.
330 0x33A9A8 oba13g1 /root/model/oba13g1.szp D7 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10C8 Miss Petunia's Bronze Portrait.
331 0x33A9C4 oba13g2 /root/model/oba13g2.szp D8 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10D0 Miss Petunia's Silver Portrait.
332 0x33A9E0 oba13g3 /root/model/oba13g3.szp D9 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10D8 Miss Petunia's Gold Portrait.
334 0x33AA18 oba14g1 /root/model/oba14g1.szp DB Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10E8 Nana's Bronze Portrait.
335 0x33AA34 oba14g2 /root/model/oba14g2.szp DC Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10F0 Nana's Silver Portrait.
336 0x33AA50 oba14g3 /root/model/oba14g3.szp DD Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D10F8 Nana's Gold Portrait.
338 0x33AA88 oba15g1 /root/model/oba15g1.szp DF Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1108 The Twins' Bronze Portrait.
339 0x33AAA4 oba15g2 /root/model/oba15g2.szp E0 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1110 The Twins' Silver Portrait.
340 0x33AAC0 oba15g3 /root/model/oba15g3.szp E1 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1118 The Twins' Gold Portrait.
342 0x33AAF8 oba16g1 /root/model/oba16g1.szp E3 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1128 Boolossus' Bronze Portrait.
343 0x33AB14 oba16g2 /root/model/oba16g2.szp E4 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1130 Boolossus' Silver Portrait.
344 0x33AB30 oba16g3 /root/model/oba16g3.szp E5 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1138 Boolossus' Gold Portrait.
346 0x33AB68 oba17g1 /root/model/oba17g1.szp E7 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1148 Jarvis' Bronze Portrait.
347 0x33AB84 oba17g2 /root/model/oba17g2.szp E8 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1150 Jarvis' Silver Portrait.
348 0x33ABA0 oba17g3 /root/model/oba17g3.szp E9 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1158 Jarvis' Gold Portrait.
350 0x33ABD8 oba18g1 /root/model/oba18g1.szp EB Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1168 Sue Pea's Bronze Portrait.
351 0x33ABF4 oba18g2 /root/model/oba18g2.szp EC Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1170 Sue Pea's Silver Portrait.
352 0x33AC10 oba18g3 /root/model/oba18g3.szp ED Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1178 Sue Pea's Gold Portrait.
354 0x33AC48 oba19g1 /root/model/oba19g1.szp EF Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1188 Vincent Van Gore's Bronze Portrait.
355 0x33AC64 oba19g2 /root/model/oba19g2.szp F0 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1190 Vincent Van Gore's Silver Portrait.
356 0x33AC80 oba19g3 /root/model/oba19g3.szp F1 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1198 Vincent Van Gore's Gold Portrait.
358 0x33ACB8 oba20g1 /root/model/oba20g1.szp F3 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11A8 Uncle Grimmly's Bronze Portrait.
359 0x33ACD4 oba20g2 /root/model/oba20g2.szp F4 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11B0 Uncle Grimmly's Silver Portrait.
360 0x33ACF0 oba20g3 /root/model/oba20g3.szp F5 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11B8 Uncle Grimmly's Gold Portrait.
362 0x33AD28 oba21g1 /root/model/oba21g1.szp F7 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11C8 The Clockwork Soldiers' Bronze Portrait.
363 0x33AD44 oba21g2 /root/model/oba21g2.szp F8 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11D0 The Clockwork Soldiers' Silver Portrait.
364 0x33AD60 oba21g3 /root/model/oba21g3.szp F9 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11D8 The Clockwork Soldiers' Gold Portrait.
366 0x33AD98 oba22g1 /root/model/oba22g1.szp FB Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11E8 Sir Weston's Bronze Portrait.
367 0x33ADB4 oba22g2 /root/model/oba22g2.szp FC Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11F0 Sir Weston's Silver Portrait.
368 0x33ADD0 oba22g3 /root/model/oba22g3.szp FD Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D11F8 Sir Weston's Gold Portrait.
370 0x33AE08 oba23g1 /root/model/oba23g1.szp FF Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1208 King Boo and Bowser's Bronze Portrait.
371 0x33AE24 oba23g2 /root/model/oba23g2.szp 100 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1210 King Boo and Bowser's Silver Portrait.
372 0x33AE40 oba23g3 /root/model/oba23g3.szp 101 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1218 King Boo and Bowser's Gold Portrait.


Various actors with niche purposes.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
60 0x338C20 demobak1 /root/model/demobak1.szp 1E Glossy Transparent N/A N/A Portrait 8033B284 Cutscene Gold Ghost: E. Gadd in the Parlor and Foyer floating key events (event01 and event07)
91 0x338F84 ed07key /root/model/ed07key.szp 39 Glossy N/A N/A N/A 804D0B20 Cutscene key: Floating key in the Foyer event (event07)
92 0x338FA0 ed07rug /root/model/ed07rug.szp 3A Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0B28 Cutscene rug: Floating key in the Foyer event (event07)
84 0x338EC0 kun01 /root/model/kun01.szp 4A Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0AE8 Training Room gate that goes on the wall.
85 0x338EDC kun02 /root/model/kun02.szp 4B Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0AF0 Training Room gate that goes on the floor.
378 0x33AEE8 kdust /root/model/dust.szp 103 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1220 Pile of dust. Used to cover the Cellar floor.
83 0x338EA4 kiusiro /root/model/kiusiro.szp 45 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D0AE0 The gears and pistons in the background of the Portrificationizer Room. They constantly move to add atmosphere to the room.
379 0x33AF04 marioe /root/model/marioe.szp 104 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1228 Cutscene Mario painting: Secret Altar E. Gadd call (event88)
380 0x33AF20 mphand /root/model/mphand.szp 105 Normal N/A N/A N/A 804D1230 Cutscene Luigi hand: Secret Altar E. Gadd call (event88)
284 0x33A4A0 namida /root/model/namida.szp A1 Glossy Transparent N/A N/A N/A 804D0F68 Luigi's tears. Used while he laughs during the ending cutscene (event52),

Beta Leftovers

These actors and leftover model archives are mostly unusable without fixes.

Entry Number Offset Actor Name Model Archive Model ID (in Hex) Render Type TXP Number TXP Name Ghost Type Name Pointer Description
179 0x339924 bmario /root/model/bmario.szp 77 Normal Transparent N/A N/A N/A 804D0D90 (UNUSED) This is the scrapped 2P version of Mario with longer legs to match Luigi's dimensions.
72 0x338D70 ball1 /root/model/ball.szp 4E Glossy Transparent 3 ball4.txp Small 804D0A98 (UNUSED) Beta blue ball ghost with yellow eyes. Replaced by star in the final game.
73 0x338D8C ball2 1 ball2.txp 804D0AA0
N/A N/A N/A /root/model/bottle01.szp 51 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Wine Bottle
N/A N/A N/A /root/model/flag.szp 70 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A White Flag
N/A N/A N/A /root/model/kibako01.szp 36 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Wooden Box
N/A N/A N/A /root/model/shadow.szp 81 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bogmire