
From LMHack
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Audio Editing

  • JAIMaker - Converts MIDI files into BMS files.
  • JAISeqX - Allows you to play BMS files.
  • Sound Modding Toolkit - The JAudio Sound Modding Toolkit is a general-porpose tool intended for games using the JAudio sound engine.
  • VGMTrans - Tool used to view/extract raw values and data for sequenced midi files (bms)
  • BAStool - .BAS file editing tool for Gamecube games.

Code Editing

  • CodeWrite - Makes Gecko codes from PowerPC assembly code.
  • DOL C-Kit - A toolkit for compiling C/C++ code using devkitppc and injecting it into a Gamecube Executable (dol).
  • Dolphin Memory Engine - Allows you to view and modify Dolphin Emulator's memory in real-time.
  • HxD - Allows you to modify the raw hexadecimal bytes for any type of file (We recommend HxD, especially for beginners)
  • ImHex - Alternative to HxD, works on all operating systems.
  • Lily Injector - Injects AR codes into the game's DOL executable.
  • Roomah - Allows you to very easily modify doors and rooms stored in the DOL using a GUI
  • Decomp-Toolkit - decomp-toolkit functions both as a command-line tool for developers, and as a replacement for various parts of a decompilation project's build system.
  • pyiiasmh - The cross platform Gecko Code compiler, updated to Python 3.x
  • GeckoLoader - An easy way to have near unlimited code space, allowing thousands of lines of gecko code for every Wii/GCN game
  • Ghidra - software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
  • dadosod - Facilitate the process of creating a decompilation project for a given Wii/Gamecube game
  • zmansion Decomp - Attempted decomp project

Event Editing

  • Cammie - Allows you to edit Camera and Path animation files.
  • Eventor - Allows you to very easily modify in-game events using a GUI
  • OPth - Allows you to convert PTH files into JSON files, and vice-versa

File Extraction

  • ArcExtract - Allows you to extract ARC / SZP files
  • Archivah - Allows you to very easily modify the contents of an ARC/SZP file using a GUI
  • ArcPack - Allows you to pack folders into ARC files
  • GCRebuilder - (DEPRECATED - use pyisotools) Allows you to very easily export a ISO into a "root" folder and rebuild a "root" folder back into a ISO
  • OArc - Allows you to pack a folder into ARC / SZP and extract ARC / SZP to a folder
  • PyIsoTools - Allows you to very easily export a ISO into a "root" folder and rebuild a "root" folder back into a ISO
  • TGC / GCM Tools - Allows you to convert .TGC image files to .GCM and vice versa.
  • XDelta Patcher - Allows you to patch an ISO with an XDelta patch.
  • Yay - Allows you to compress ARC files into SZP files, and vice versa
  • Lunaboy's RARC Tools - An extractor and repacker for the Luigi's Mansion type of RARC archive.
  • WIIExplorer - A Standalone RARC and U8 Editor for Nintendo Wii and Nintendo GameCube Archives.
  • Gamecube File Tools - General purpose Gamecube File Tools GUI tool

JMP Editing

  • Dollhouse - Allows you to modify characterinfo, enemyinfo, and furnitureinfo with a 3D view allowing for precise placement.
  • Booldozer - 3D editor, very WIP
  • Jumpah - Allows you to very easily modify JMP files using a GUI
  • Pyjmap - Converts JMP files to CSV and vice versa. Recommended for mass editing.

Misc. File Editing

  • TrashPrm - Allows you to very easily modify PRM files using a GUI
  • TXPorter - Allows you to edit .TXP files for .MDL characters.
  • CTools Pack - various tools for editing general purpose files

Model Editing

  • Collidah - Allows you to import/export/convert collision meshes for maps.
  • Collision Converter - Allows you to convert .OBJ files to collision meshes for maps.
  • Furnitah - Allows you to convert OBJ models into BIN models
  • LM Blender Toolkit - Allows you to import and export MDL files in Blender.
  • MDLConverter - Allows you to convert MDL files to DAE.
  • SuperBMD - Allows you to convert various model formats into BMD/BDL files.
  • VertInject - (DEPRECATED, use MDLConverter) Allows you to dump an MDL file's vertex tree and modify its vertices.
  • Toolbox Reborn - A rewrite of Switch Toolbox using new and improved code.
  • Demolisher - General viewing tool for Luigi's Mansion Bin File Format
  • RiiStudio - Editor for various 3D model formats

Texture Editing

  • BLOJob - Allows you to view, manipulate, render, and save BLO files.
  • LMTextureInjector - Allows you to export / import textures from / to various formats (BIN, MDL, TPL and BTI)
  • BTI Tool - A tool for converting PNG or TGA to Nintendo's Binary Texture Image (BTI) format and vice-versa.
  • tga2bti - BTI converter that supports alpha layers
  • BMDTool - tool for editing BMD textures
  • BTIConvert - Image tool for editing, importing and exporting bti files

Animation Editing

  • Key Converter - key converter, converts luigis mansion .key animations to xml and vice versa