Candle Types

From LMHack

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A list of the different types of candles (fire/sfire) that can be loaded with the jump table objinfo.

Candle Types

The two types of candle entries that can be spawned via objinfo.

name Behavior Description
fire Normal candle entry. It will take on the properties given in arg0 and arg2.
sfire Special candle entry. It can count towards CondCandleAllOff and CondCandleAllOn.

Behavior Types

The seven behaviors of candle entries that can be changed with arg0 in objinfo. Types that are able to be blown out can be blown out by vacuuming with the R button, or using the L button to expel dust, water, or ice.

arg0 Value Initially Lit? Can Be Blown Out with Water, Ice, Dust, or Air? Can Be Re-lit with Fire? Flickers? Behavior Description
0 Yes Yes Yes N/A Normal candle that starts off lit.
1 Yes No N/A No Lit candle that can't be blown out at all and won't flicker.
2 No Yes Yes N/A Normal candle that starts off un-lit.
3 Yes No N/A Yes Lit candle that can't be blown out, but it will flicker if vacuumed.
4 No No Yes No Un-lit candle that will stay permanently lit once lit for the first time. It won't flicker if vacuumed.
5 No No Yes Yes Un-lit candle that will stay permanently lit once lit for the first time. It will flicker if vacuumed.
6 No Yes Yes N/A Similar to type 2. These candles are only used in Astral Hall.

Color Types

The two colors of candle entries that can be changed with arg2 in objinfo. Note that the other candle PCR's are only called with events or used with elfire generators.

arg2 Value PCR Names Color Description
0 candle_moe.pcr Red
1 candle_vio.pcr Purple