How to add wooden barricades to doors

From LMHack

Hello! This is another tutorial by LMFinish

Reason: Most of people and others were looking times in the internet in a chance in how to do this, so I will be writing this tutorial to all the people make their dreams true. Anyways, enjoy the stuff and make sure to test all If one step not work, call me for help and I will update this with the proper info.


Grab a clean ISO of Luigi's Mansion and an ISO extractor/compiler (GC-Rebuilder) extract an unmodified root of the game.

Inside the root, go to the folder "Iwamoto" after "map2". There are many .arc files of rooms that store their furniture and room layout. For a example, we will be starting with room_06 (Main F1 hallway) but you can do this with any room. After, download this custom model: This is the seal that is expected to be the one used in the game. For more info, it isn't exactly at the beta form but still is a thing.

After, copy the model and paste in the .arc folder. Then, recompile it (No need to use yay.exe since it is an .arc file)

To this next step we need to edit a JMP file. Since hex is not familiar for me for these types of internal files, we'll be using an easy tool called jumpah, After, make sure you extracted from "root/map/map2.szp" file. That contains the "furnitureinfo" JMP file that it is used to administrate furniture state and positions. So, we're going to edit this file.

Open "furnitureinfo" JMP file in the program and, go to the end of the long list and click "New Item". To resume the "proper" actions and each step here, the item needs to be with the following config:

Name: furniture BIN File name: board (The custom model name) Position X: 560.000000 Position Z: -1219.000000 Rotation Y: 90.000000 Rotation Z: 60.000000 Scale X/Y/Z: 1.000000 Room 6 (Unlisted options means that they doesn't need to be modified).

Positions is tested and they matches with the fakedoor present in the F1 main hallway, just for an small test. This model can be in other positions too. Rotation were altered because it's native side doesn't match with the fakedoor.

After, save the JMP, recompile the .szp file back, and after with your selected GC ISO rebuilder save an ISO with the modified changes. (GCRebuilder I.E.: Root -> Open "root directory" -> Root -> Save "Give ISO file a name" -> Root -> Rebuild). After testing your iso, you may notice that an seal model is in the fakedoor's front, simulating that it is sealing the door.


There's an missing collision planned to be inserted in the model, and since files or the file that administrates the collision for this doesn't contain info for the seal Luigi can pass oddly through the seal. There's one Bug: When you go to the hallway and look into the simulated sealed door, you will probably watch that the model is still preparing itself to be in it's position. There seems to be something with the rotation config, but I don't know why the model is only set up when you enter the certain room it is.

Phew! I hope you enjoy this tutorial and enjoy it, because it did take time. To finish, good luck for anyone that will be trying this!