TH Parameters

From LMHack

Original Author(s)

weirdboo, RedMat22, CyrusHedgehog


This is a list of the TH parameter files found inside the param/th/ folder in root/Game/game.szp on NTSC-J, root/Game/game_usa.szp on NTSC-U, and root/Game/gameX.szp on PAL (there's five archives, one for each language).

These parameter files and their data can be edited with TrashPRM.

Name Description
aenatupper.prm Purple Puncher's dashing uppercut attack.
aendog.prm Spooky's attacking behavior.
aenitembomb.prm Twins'/Ceiling Ghost's bomb exploding behavior.
aenatkbanaoba.prm Banana ghost's banana dropping attack.
enatkkarakuri.prm Blue Clockwork Soldier's attacking behavior.
enatkkarakuri2.prm Pink Clockwork Soldier's attacking behavior.
enatkkarakuri3.prm Green Clockwork Soldier's attacking behavior.
enatkpunch.prm Gold Ghost's wind-up punch attack.
enatkspear.prm Solo Ghost Guy's pitchfork poke attack.
enatkspear2.prm Solo Ghost Guy's spinning spear attack.
enatkspeardance.prm Dancer Ghost Guys' dancing behavior.
enatksyougeki.prm Blue Twirler's shockwave slam attack.
anatktoritsuki.prm Grabber Ghosts' grabbing behavior. The damage is handled via ASM depending on the ghost type.
enbanana.prm Banana behavior once it lands on the ground from aenatkbanaoba.prm.
enblossom.prm Boneyard Plant's stage 2 behavior (has been watered twice).
enelementfire.prm Luigi's fire element behavior. It also specifies the damage done to an enemy with fire.
enelementice.prm Luigi's ice element behavior. It also specifies the damage done to an enemy with ice.
enelementwater.prm Luigi's water element behavior. It also specifies the damage done to an enemy with water.
enfiniteitemheart.prm The amount of time it should take for a heart (no matter the size) to disappear.
enfinitekinoko.prm The amount of time it should take for a poison mushroom to disappear.
enfinitepearl.prm The amount of time it should take for a pearl (no matter the size) to disappear.
enfinitediamond.prm The amount of time it should take for a gem or jewel (no matter the type) to disappear.
enheartitemlheart.prm Large heart behavior (these are the ones that heal 50 HP).
enheartitemsheart.prm Small heart behavior (these are the ones that heal 10-20 HP).
enheymask.prm Ghost Guys' mask behavior.
enitem_mcap.prm The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Hat is collected (default 33).
enitem_mglove.prm The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Glove is collected (default 21).
enitem_mletter.prm The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Letter is collected (default 27).
enitem_mshoes.prm The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Shoe is collected (default 24).
enitem_mstar.prm The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Star is collected (default 30).
enkareki.prm Boneyard Plant's death behavior (not watered before a boss).
enkey.prm Key behavior.
ennegativeitem.prm Poison Mushroom behavior.
ennut.prm Boneyard Plant's stage 3 behavior (will give treasure).
enseed.prm Boneyard Plant's stage 1 behavior (hasn't been watered yet).
enthrowup_banana.prm Behavior for how a banana should be ejected from an enemy or furniture.
enthrowup_itemheart.prm Behavior for how a heart should be ejected from an enemy or furniture.
enthrowupkey.prm Behavior for how a key should be ejected from an enemy or furniture.
enthrowupmask.prm Behavior for how a Ghost Guy Mask should act once pulled off.
enthrowupmkinoko.prm Behavior for how a poison mushroom should be ejected from an enemy or furniture.
enzenmai.prm Clockwork Soldiers' wind-up spring behavior.
saenatbodypress.prm (UNUSED) Beta Blue Twirler's crush attack behavior. It does not do any damage.
telesamanager.prm Defines the odds for what a fake Boo should be inside of furniture. Default odds are 50% Boo Ball, 50% Bomb.