Original Author(s)
weirdboo, RedMat22, CyrusHedgehog
This is a list of the TH parameter files found inside the param/th/ folder in root/Game/game.szp on NTSC-J, root/Game/game_usa.szp on NTSC-U, and root/Game/gameX.szp on PAL (there's five archives, one for each language).
These parameter files and their data can be edited with TrashPRM.
Name | Description |
aenatupper.prm | Purple Puncher's dashing uppercut attack. |
aendog.prm | Spooky's attacking behavior. |
aenitembomb.prm | Twins'/Ceiling Ghost's bomb exploding behavior. |
aenatkbanaoba.prm | Banana ghost's banana dropping attack. |
enatkkarakuri.prm | Blue Clockwork Soldier's attacking behavior. |
enatkkarakuri2.prm | Pink Clockwork Soldier's attacking behavior. |
enatkkarakuri3.prm | Green Clockwork Soldier's attacking behavior. |
enatkpunch.prm | Gold Ghost's wind-up punch attack. |
enatkspear.prm | Solo Ghost Guy's pitchfork poke attack. |
enatkspear2.prm | Solo Ghost Guy's spinning spear attack. |
enatkspeardance.prm | Dancer Ghost Guys' dancing behavior. |
enatksyougeki.prm | Blue Twirler's shockwave slam attack. |
anatktoritsuki.prm | Grabber Ghosts' grabbing behavior. The damage is handled via ASM depending on the ghost type. |
enbanana.prm | Banana behavior once it lands on the ground from aenatkbanaoba.prm. |
enblossom.prm | Boneyard Plant's stage 2 behavior (has been watered twice). |
enelementfire.prm | Luigi's fire element behavior. It also specifies the damage done to an enemy with fire. |
enelementice.prm | Luigi's ice element behavior. It also specifies the damage done to an enemy with ice. |
enelementwater.prm | Luigi's water element behavior. It also specifies the damage done to an enemy with water. |
enfiniteitemheart.prm | The amount of time it should take for a heart (no matter the size) to disappear. |
enfinitekinoko.prm | The amount of time it should take for a poison mushroom to disappear. |
enfinitepearl.prm | The amount of time it should take for a pearl (no matter the size) to disappear. |
enfinitediamond.prm | The amount of time it should take for a gem or jewel (no matter the type) to disappear. |
enheartitemlheart.prm | Large heart behavior (these are the ones that heal 50 HP). |
enheartitemsheart.prm | Small heart behavior (these are the ones that heal 10-20 HP). |
enheymask.prm | Ghost Guys' mask behavior. |
enitem_mcap.prm | The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Hat is collected (default 33). |
enitem_mglove.prm | The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Glove is collected (default 21). |
enitem_mletter.prm | The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Letter is collected (default 27). |
enitem_mshoes.prm | The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Shoe is collected (default 24). |
enitem_mstar.prm | The flag that should be turned on when Mario's Star is collected (default 30). |
enkareki.prm | Boneyard Plant's death behavior (not watered before a boss). |
enkey.prm | Key behavior. |
ennegativeitem.prm | Poison Mushroom behavior. |
ennut.prm | Boneyard Plant's stage 3 behavior (will give treasure). |
enseed.prm | Boneyard Plant's stage 1 behavior (hasn't been watered yet). |
enthrowup_banana.prm | Behavior for how a banana should be ejected from an enemy or furniture. |
enthrowup_itemheart.prm | Behavior for how a heart should be ejected from an enemy or furniture. |
enthrowupkey.prm | Behavior for how a key should be ejected from an enemy or furniture. |
enthrowupmask.prm | Behavior for how a Ghost Guy Mask should act once pulled off. |
enthrowupmkinoko.prm | Behavior for how a poison mushroom should be ejected from an enemy or furniture. |
enzenmai.prm | Clockwork Soldiers' wind-up spring behavior. |
saenatbodypress.prm | (UNUSED) Beta Blue Twirler's crush attack behavior. It does not do any damage. |
telesamanager.prm | Defines the odds for what a fake Boo should be inside of furniture. Default odds are 50% Boo Ball, 50% Bomb. |