Original Author(s)
CyrusHedgehog, weirdboo, opeyx
A list of all the do_type values and what they correspond to. They are able to be used in observerinfo, teidenobserverinfo, and railinfo.
Value | Dol | Description |
0 | N/A | Does nothing. |
1 | EnDoLightsOn | Turns the current room's lights ON. |
2 | N/A | Does nothing. |
3 | SaEnTelephone | Currently unknown (WIP). |
4 | N/A | Specifically used in railinfo for Shivers, Whirlindas, and Waiter behaviors. Each behavior handles this do_type differently. Examples can be seen in map0 and map2. Seems to be used to mark the beginning of the looping paths? |
5 | N/A | Specifically used in railinfo for Shivers, Whirlindas, and Waiter behaviors. Each behavior handles this do_type differently. Examples can be seen in map0 and map2. Seems to be used to mark a "middle path"? |
6 | N/A | Specifically used in railinfo for Shivers, Whirlindas, and Waiter behaviors. Each behavior handles this do_type differently. Examples can be seen in map0 and map2. Seems to be used to mark the end of looping paths? |
7 | EnSetEventFlagOn | Turns ON the flag listed in arg0. |
8 | EnFallChandelier | Useless (runs NO-OP code). |
9 | EnChangeMotion | If used with a soundobj, the game will play the sound listed in string_arg0. If used with kinopio (Toad) or otobira (Clockwork Room elevator door), the actor will play the animation listed in string_arg0. Note that Toad and Otobira both have their own behaviors (EnKinopio and EnOtobira) that let them use this condition properly. |
10 | EnDoCreateCharacters | Globally outputs a string that can be received by other jump table entries that use the create_name property. These files include: characterinfo/teidencharacterinfo, enemyinfo/teidenenemyinfo, and keyinfo/teidenkeyinfo. Once an entry in one of these files has its create_name created with EnDoCreateCharacters, it will be able to spawn. Note that the value in arg0 will determine how many frames the observer should wait before creating the string. 30 frames is one second on NTSC and 25 frames is one second on PAL. |
11 | EnDoLockDoors | Puts spikes on all doors in the Mansion. |
12 | EnDoUnlockDoors | Reverses the effects of EnDoLockDoors. |