Original Author(s)
weirdboo, CyrusHedgehog
Documentation on the jump table enemyinfo. This file spawns in typical enemy ghost actors with a lot of options. teidenenemyinfo is loaded during the blackout instead of enemyinfo.
enemyinfo can be edited with Dollhouse and Jumpah. teidenenemyinfo can be edited with Jumpah.
Field | Type | Proper Values | Description |
name | String | Actor List | The name of the actor to spawn. |
create_name | String | Must match string_arg0 in an observerinfo entry. If not, then simply put ----. | Checks if a global string output by an observerinfo entry matches the string given. If there's a match, the actor will be allowed to spawn. Note: if you don't want the actor to spawn from an observer, then you must use ---- as the create_name. |
path_name | String | Must match a filename in the path folder of the map archive. If not, then simply put (null). | Makes the actor use a path file with the string name specified. This path must be inside the path folder of the map archive, and also must be properly defined in railinfo to prevent crashes. |
access_name | String | Must match access_name in a furnitureinfo entry. If not, then simply put (null). | Checks if the given string matches with access_name in any furnitureinfo entry. If there's a match, the actor will be hidden in the furniture, and only allowed to spawn once the furniture has been opened. Note: if you don't want the actor to hide in furniture, then you must use ---- as the create_name. |
CodeName | String | Any string. | This string will allow the actor to be called with event script tags. |
pos_x | Float | Coordinates within the room's bounding box. | These are the spawn coordinates for the actor. |
pos_y | Float | ||
pos_z | Float | ||
dir_x | Float | -360.000000 < n < 360.000000 | The degree (n) of x-axis rotation for the actor. Negative values tilt backwards, while positive values tilt forwards. |
dir_y | Float | The degree (n) of y-axis rotation for the actor. Negative values turn left, while positive values turn right. | |
dir_z | Float | The degree (n) of z-axis rotation for the actor. Negative values tilt left, while positive values tilt right. | |
scale_x | Float | N/A | Useless. |
scale_y | Float | ||
scale_z | Float | ||
room_no | Integer | map0, map5, map6, map7, and map8: 0-3. | The room number that the actor should spawn in. |
map1, map3, map4, map9, map10, map11, and map12: 0. | |||
map2: 0-71. | |||
floating_height | Integer | Any integer. | How high/low to spawn the actor. It starts from the value of pos_y. |
appear_percent | Integer | 0-100. | Percentage chance of the actor spawning. |
appear_flag | Integer | 0-255. | This flag will allow the actor to spawn. |
disappear_flag | Integer | 0-255. | This flag will prevent the actor from spawning. |
event_set_no | Integer | 0-255. | Checks if an eventinfo entry has EventNo matching the value of event_set_no in enemyinfo. The eventinfo entry will then check if the actor given in CharacterName matches the name of the actor in enemyname. If there's a match, then the eventinfo entry will be allowed to activate. If not, then the entry will be disabled. |
item_table | Integer | The number of an entry in itemappeartable. | The item that will come out of the actor once defeated. The item should be defined in iteminfotable in order for it to spawn properly. |
cond_type | Integer | 0-3, 5-13, and 15-17. | |
move_type | Integer | N/A | Useless. |
search_type | Integer | Useless. | |
appear_type | Integer | If it's a normal actor, then 0, 1, and 2. | If a value of 0 or 2 is given, then the actor will spawn normally. If a value of 1 is given, then the actor will attempt to use the beta spawning behavior, crashing the game. |
If it's a Dancing Ghost Guy (heypo3-8), then 0, 2, or 6. | If a value of 6 is given, then it will pick the partner closest to it and begin dancing. They will also always spawn in pairs, even if separated. If a value of 0 or 2 is given, then the Dancing Ghost Guy (heypo3-8) will act just like a normal Ghost Guy (heypo1-2) that doesn't dance. | ||
place_type | Integer | 0, 1, and 2. | If a value of 2 is given, then the actor will re-spawn using the path given in path_name. If a value of 0 or 1 is given, then the actor will re-spawn in the same place every time. |
invisible | Boolean | 0 or 1. | If set to 0, the actor will be visible. If set to 1, the actor will be invisible. |
stay | Boolean | 0 or 1. | (WIP) Something to do with keeping the actor on the proper path while switching rooms. This is only used by the Butler (situji). |