Original Authors
weirdboo, Gamma, opeyx, ShaneMGD
A list of all 101 events in the game. Events parse through Script Tags in a forward direction and can never go backwards, executing each tag one frame at a time until the <END>
tag is reached. Whenever any event is loaded, ASM code specific to that event is loaded before the first tag is executed. The offsets to each event's accompanying ASM code is listed below.
These events can be edited with Eventor. They are located in root/Event.
Event | Accompanying Code's Offset | Accompanying Code's Pointer Offset | Accompanying Code's RAM Address | Uses ASM? (If No, it's a blr) | Event Description |
event00 | 0x29904 | 0x2FD478 | 8002CBA4 | Yes | This is a placeholder event. |
event01 | 0x2992C | 0x2FD47C | 8002CBCC | Yes | Intro Part 3: Luigi meets E. Gadd in the Parlor. |
event02 | 0x29974 | 0x2FD480 | 8002CC14 | Yes | Portrificationizer cutscene after each area boss battle. |
event03 | 0x299BC | 0x2FD484 | 8002CC5C | Yes | Melody Pianissima's dialogue and music trivia minigame. (Includes heart exposure) |
event04 | 0x299E4 | 0x2FD488 | 8002CC84 | No | Toad #4: Courtyard. |
event05 | 0x29A38 | 0x2FD48C | 8002CCD8 | Yes | (ASM ONLY EVENT) Loads the female shadow onto the 2F Bathroom shower curtains. |
event06 | 0x29B18 | 0x2FD490 | 8002CDB8 | Yes | (ASM ONLY EVENT) Loads the Mario/Bowser models into the Secret Altar painting frame. |
event07 | 0x29C60 | 0x2FD494 | 8002CF00 | No | Intro Part 2: Luigi sees the Gold Ghost in the Foyer. |
event08 | 0x29C6C | 0x2FD498 | 8002CF0C | No | E. Gadd's Lab dialogue. |
event09 | 0x29C78 | 0x2FD49C | 8002CF18 | No | Training Room minigame. (First time) |
event10 | 0x29C84 | 0x2FD4A0 | 8002CF24 | No | Training Room minigame. (Revisit) |
event11 | 0x29C90 | 0x2FD4A4 | 8002CF30 | No | E. Gadd GBH call: Collecting a boss key. (Used for Chauncey's heart key) |
event12 | 0x29C9C | 0x2FD4A8 | 8002CF3C | No | E. Gadd GBH call: Ice Elemental Medal. |
event13 | 0x29CA8 | 0x2FD4AC | 8002CF48 | No | The Twins' dialogue when Luigi exits the room after agreeing to play Hide n' Seek. |
event14 | 0x29CB4 | 0x2FD4B0 | 8002CF54 | No | Lydia's dialogue after she notices the draft from the broken window. |
event15 | 0x29CC0 | 0x2FD4B4 | 8002CF60 | No | E. Gadd GBH call: Portrait Ghost advice before entering the Study. |
event16 | 0x29CCC | 0x2FD4B8 | 8002CF6C | No | 40 Boos check: deactivates event73 when Luigi has captured at least 40 boos. |
event17 | 0x29CD8 | 0x2FD4BC | 8002CF78 | No | Toad #1: Foyer. |
event18 | 0x29CE4 | 0x2FD4C0 | 8002CF84 | No | Mario's Shoe collection text. |
event19 | 0x29CF0 | 0x2FD4C4 | 8002CF90 | No | Mario's Letter collection text. |
event20 | 0x29CFC | 0x2FD4C8 | 8002CF9C | No | Mario's Star collection text. |
event21 | 0x29D08 | 0x2FD4CC | 8002CFA8 | No | Mario's Hat collection text. |
event22 | 0x29D14 | 0x2FD4D0 | 8002CFB4 | No | Chauncey's dialogue after Luigi wakes him up by vacuuming the rocking chair. |
event23 | 0x29D20 | 0x2FD4D4 | 8002CFC0 | No | Spawns Mr. Bones and displays his dialogue after Luigi gets Spooky to bark enough times. |
event24 | 0x29D2C | 0x2FD4D8 | 8002CFCC | No | The Twins spawning and asking to play Hide n' Seek after Luigi twirls their mobile enough times. |
event25 | 0x29D54 | 0x2FD4DC | 8002CFF4 | No | Guest Room flipping back to normal after Luigi defeats Sue Pea. |
event26 | 0x29D60 | 0x2FD4E0 | 8002D000 | No | (UNUSED) Debug version of E. Gadd's Lab dialogue. |
event27 | 0x29D6C | 0x2FD4E4 | 8002D00C | No | Activates Shivers. (Flag 35 ON in the Area 2 hallway) |
event28 | 0x29D78 | 0x2FD4E8 | 8002D018 | No | E. Gadd's Gallery dialogue. |
event29 | 0x29D84 | 0x2FD4EC | 8002D024 | No | E. Gadd GBH call: After catching a Boo. |
event30 | 0x29D90 | 0x2FD4F0 | 8002D030 | No | Clockwork Room elevator cutscene. (Goes up to the Roof) |
event31 | 0x29D9C | 0x2FD4F4 | 8002D03C | No | Chauncey's door cutscene. |
event32 | 0x29DA8 | 0x2FD4F8 | 8002D048 | No | Toad #2: 2F Balcony |
event33 | 0x29DB4 | 0x2FD4FC | 8002D054 | No | Jarvis's dialogue and jar minigame. (Includes heart exposure) |
event34 | 0x29DC0 | 0x2FD500 | 8002D060 | No | Miss Petunia's dialogue after Luigi sprays her with ice. |
event35 | 0x29DCC | 0x2FD504 | 8002D06C | Yes | Storage Room sliding wall cutscene. |
event36 | 0x29DF4 | 0x2FD508 | 8002D094 | No | Madame Clairvoya dialogue. (Includes heart exposure) |
event37 | 0x29E00 | 0x2FD50C | 8002D0A0 | No | Spawns Madame Clairvoya after Luigi shines his flashlight on the crystal ball for long enough. |
event38 | 0x29E0C | 0x2FD510 | 8002D0AC | No | Vincent Van Gore's introduction dialogue and the beginning of his mini-boss battle. |
event39 | 0x29E18 | 0x2FD514 | 8002D0B8 | No | Book: Nana's Moldy Old Journal. |
event40 | 0x29E24 | 0x2FD518 | 8002D0C4 | No | Roof elevator cutscene. (Goes down to the Clockwork Room) |
event41 | 0x29E30 | 0x2FD51C | 8002D0D0 | No | Mario's Glove collection text. |
event42 | 0x29E3C | 0x2FD520 | 8002D0DC | No | E. Gadd GBH call: Collecting a boss key. (Used for Bogmire's club key) |
event43 | 0x29E48 | 0x2FD524 | 8002D0E8 | No | Luigi falling into the Roof chimney. |
event44 | 0x29E54 | 0x2FD528 | 8002D0F4 | No | 3F Balcony lightning cutscene. (Starts Blackout) |
event45 | 0x29E60 | 0x2FD52C | 8002D100 | No | Breaker Room lever cutscene. (Ends Blackout) |
event46 | 0x29E6C | 0x2FD530 | 8002D10C | No | Mario's painting cutscene in the Bottom of the Well. |
event47 | 0x29E78 | 0x2FD534 | 8002D118 | No | 5 Boos check: Toad prevents entry into the 1F Washroom until Luigi collects at least 5 boos. |
event48 | 0x29E84 | 0x2FD538 | 8002D124 | No | Intro Part 1: Camera pans around the Foyer. |
event49 | 0x29E90 | 0x2FD53C | 8002D130 | No | The Twins' minigame and dialogue for when Luigi finds them in their box or makes a mistake. |
event50 | 0x29E9C | 0x2FD540 | 8002D13C | No | Chauncey's dialogue after Luigi hits him with the ball in the Nursery. |
event51 | 0x29EA8 | 0x2FD544 | 8002D148 | No | Deactivates event31 (Flag 19 ON in the Area 1 hallway) |
event52 | 0x29ED4 | 0x2FD548 | 8002D174 | Yes | Portrificationizer cutscene: Turning Mario back to normal. |
event53 | 0x29F1C | 0x2FD54C | 8002D1BC | No | All Boo spawning dialogue. |
event54 | 0x29F28 | 0x2FD550 | 8002D1C8 | No | E. Gadd GBH call: Fire Elemental Medal. |
event55 | 0x29F34 | 0x2FD554 | 8002D1D4 | No | Book: Book of Riddles. |
event56 | 0x29F40 | 0x2FD558 | 8002D1E0 | No | Book: Neville's Big Baby Care Diary. |
event57 | 0x29F4C | 0x2FD55C | 8002D1EC | No | Book: Darkness is Their Cheese! |
event58 | 0x29F58 | 0x2FD560 | 8002D1F8 | No | Book: Book of Pericles. |
event59 | 0x29F64 | 0x2FD564 | 8002D204 | No | Book: E. Gadd's Guide to Ghosts. |
event60 | 0x29F70 | 0x2FD568 | 8002D210 | No | Book: Lydia's Child-Care Diary. |
event61 | 0x29F7C | 0x2FD56C | 8002D21C | No | Parlor haunted paintings cutscene (after Luigi blows the candles out). |
event62 | 0x29F88 | 0x2FD570 | 8002D228 | No | (UNUSED) Empty |
event63 | 0x29F94 | 0x2FD574 | 8002D234 | No | Toad #3: 1F Washroom |
event64 | 0x29FA0 | 0x2FD578 | 8002D240 | No | Boss Arena Intro #1: Chauncey and his rocking chairs spawn in the crib. |
event65 | 0x29FD8 | 0x2FD57C | 8002D278 | No | Zooms in on Bogmire's glowing tombstone after Luigi defeats the three Skeleton Ghosts. When Luigi is free to move and walks up to the tombstone, Bogmire will spawn. |
event66 | 0x29FE4 | 0x2FD580 | 8002D284 | No | Boss Arena Intro #2: Bogmire and a large shadow clone spawn in the cage. |
event67 | 0x29FF0 | 0x2FD584 | 8002D290 | No | Teleports Luigi back to the Mansion after an area boss battle. |
event68 | 0x29FFC | 0x2FD588 | 8002D29C | No | The Observatory telescope and rainbow bridge cutscenes. |
event69 | 0x2A024 | 0x2FD58C | 8002D2C4 | No | Releasing the Boos in the Storage Room. (Includes the E. Gadd GBH call) |
event70 | 0x2A030 | 0x2FD590 | 8002D2D0 | No | E. Gadd GBH call: Water Elemental Medal. |
event71 | 0x2A03C | 0x2FD594 | 8002D2DC | No | Spinning ring of Boos cutscene on the 3F Balcony. |
event72 | 0x2A048 | 0x2FD598 | 8002D2E8 | No | Boss Arena Intro #3: Boolossus falls from the sky onto the 3F Balcony. |
event73 | 0x2A054 | 0x2FD59C | 8002D2F4 | No | King Boo's cutscene in the basement hallway when Luigi has less than 40 Boos. |
event74 | 0x2A060 | 0x2FD5A0 | 8002D300 | No | King Boo's cutscene in the Secret Altar. |
event75 | 0x2A06C | 0x2FD5A4 | 8002D30C | No | Boss Arena Intro #4: Bowser leaps onto the rooftop and spits fire at Luigi. |
event76 | 0x2A0A8 | 0x2FD5A8 | 8002D348 | No | Astral Hall purple candles cutscene. (After Luigi lights all candelabras in the room) |
event77 | 0x2A0B4 | 0x2FD5AC | 8002D354 | No | Game Boy Horror: Furniture descriptions. (Matches furnitureinfo 'counter' values) |
event78 | 0x2A0C0 | 0x2FD5B0 | 8002D360 | No | Game Boy Horror: Ghosts' heart descriptions. (Matches characterinfo 'message' values) |
event79 | 0x2A0CC | 0x2FD5B4 | 8002D36C | No | Viewing a portrait in the Gallery. |
event80 | 0x2A0D8 | 0x2FD5B8 | 8002D378 | No | E. Gadd GBH call: Collecting a boss key. (Used for Boolossus' diamond key) |
event81 | 0x2A0E4 | 0x2FD5BC | 8002D384 | No | Shivers' dialogue after Luigi lights his candles. |
event82 | 0x2A0F0 | 0x2FD5C0 | 8002D390 | No | Vincent Van Gore admitting defeat and exposing his heart. |
event83 | 0x2A0FC | 0x2FD5C4 | 8002D39C | No | Luigi landing in the Sealed Room after falling through the chimney. |
event84 | 0x2A108 | 0x2FD5C8 | 8002D3A8 | No | Pipe Room water shutoff cutscene. |
event85 | 0x2A114 | 0x2FD5CC | 8002D3B4 | No | The Mysterious Power of the Boos' cutscene when Luigi has collected less than 20 boos. |
event86 | 0x2A120 | 0x2FD5D0 | 8002D3C0 | No | Sue Pea's dialogue after Luigi sprays her with water for the 3rd time. |
event87 | 0x2A12C | 0x2FD5D4 | 8002D3CC | No | Sue Pea's intro cutscene and dialogue. |
event88 | 0x2A138 | 0x2FD5D8 | 8002D3D8 | No | E. Gadd GBH Call: Rescuing the Mario Painting from the Secret Altar after the final battle. |
event89 | 0x2A144 | 0x2FD5DC | 8002D3E4 | No | Sir Weston's dialogue after Luigi lights the two campfires next to the ice block. |
event90 | 0x2A150 | 0x2FD5E0 | 8002D3F0 | No | Fake Bowser death cutscene after Luigi defeats King Boo. |
event91 | 0x2A15C | 0x2FD5E4 | 8002D3FC | No | E. Gadd GBH call: Grabbing Ghost advice after clearing the 1F Bathroom. |
event92 | 0x2A168 | 0x2FD5E8 | 8002D408 | No | Blackout phone ringing activation. (Flag 11 ON in the west attic hallway) |
event93 | 0x2A174 | 0x2FD5EC | 8002D414 | No | Telephone call(s) with Toad during the blackout. |
event94 | 0x2A180 | 0x2FD5F0 | 8002D420 | No | Telephone call with E. Gadd during the blackout. |
event95 | 0x2A18C | 0x2FD5F4 | 8002D42C | No | Golden Rat #1 spawner. (Used in the hallway near the Foyer) |
event96 | 0x2A198 | 0x2FD5F8 | 8002D438 | No | 20 Boos check: Deactivates event85 when Luigi has captured at least 20 Boos. |
event97 | 0x2A1A4 | 0x2FD5FC | 8002D444 | No | Golden Rat #2 spawner. (Used in the hallway near the Sealed Room) |
event98 | 0x2A1B0 | 0x2FD600 | 8002D450 | No | Golden Rat #3 spawner. (Used in the Kitchen) |
event99 | 0x2A1BC | 0x2FD604 | 8002D45C | No | Golden Rat #4 spawner. (Used in the Tea Room) |
event100 | 0x2A1C8 | 0x2FD608 | 8002D468 | No | Golden Rat #5 spawner. (Used in the Sealed Room) |
event101 | 0x2A1D4 | 0x2FD60C | 8002D474 | No | Deactivates event76. (Flag 198 OFF in the Astral Hall) |
event102 | 0x2A1E0 | 0x2FD610 | 8002D480 | No | (UNUSED) Event archive must be created. |
event103 | 0x2A1EC | 0x2FD614 | 8002D48C | No | (UNUSED) Event archive must be created. |
event104 | 0x2A1F8 | 0x2FD618 | 8002D498 | No | (UNUSED) Event archive must be created. |
event105 | 0x2A204 | 0x2FD61C | 8002D4A4 | No | (UNUSED) Event archive must be created. |
event106 | 0x2A210 | 0x2FD620 | 8002D4B0 | No | (UNUSED) Event archive must be created. |
event107 | 0x2A21C | 0x2FD624 | 8002D4BC | No | (UNUSED) Event archive must be created. |
event108 | 0x2A228 | 0x2FD628 | 8002D4C8 | No | (UNUSED) Event archive must be created. |
events 109 - 255 | N / A | N / A | N / A | N / A | Event table must be expanded for these events to work. |