Item Types

From LMHack

Original Author(s)



A list of items that can be used with itemappeartable, itemfishingtable, and treasuretable. These items must be defined in iteminfotable in order to work properly.

Note that file locations starting with /data/ are located in root/Game/game.szp on NTSC-J, root/Game/game_usa.szp on NTSC-U, and root/Game/gameX.szp on PAL (there's five archives, one for each language). File locations starting with /mapX/ are located in root/Map/mapX.szp.

Mario Items

The five Mario Items that Luigi must collect to capture Madame Clairvoya.

Item Name Actor Name File Location Used In Description
mletter mletter /root/model/mletter.szp itemappeartable, furnitureinfo Mario's Letter. This is normally hidden in the birdhouse in the Courtyard using the item_table field in furnitureinfo.
mcap mcap /root/model/mcap.szp itemappeartable, furnitureinfo Mario's Hat. This is normally hidden in the washing machine in the Laundry Room using the item_table field in furnitureinfo.
mshoes mshoes /root/model/mshoes.szp treasuretable Mario's Shoe. This is normally hidden in The Twins' Room chest using the other field in treasuretable.
mglove mglove /root/model/mglove.szp treasuretable Mario's Glove. This is normally hidden in the Projection Room chest using the other field in treasuretable.
mstar mstar /root/model/mstar.szp characterinfo Nintendo decided to spawn Mario's Star through characterinfo instead, so it's not used in itemappeartable, itemfishingtable, or treasuretable. It still has item-like properties though and can be used in these files.

Elemental Medals

The three elemental medals Luigi can collect to progress further through the Mansion.

Item Name Actor Name File Location Used In Description
elffst elffst /map2/j3d_effect/item/elefire.bmd treasuretable The Fire Medal. This is normally hidden in the Hidden Room chest using the other field in treasuretable.
elifst elifst /map2/j3d_effect/item/eleice.bmd treasuretable The Ice Medal. This is normally hidden in the Tea Room chest using the other field in treasuretable.
elwfst elwfst /map2/j3d_effect/item/elewater.bmd treasuretable The Water Medal. This is normally hidden in the Kitchen chest using the other field in treasuretable.


These hearts will heal Luigi if he comes into contact with them.

Item Name Actor Name File Location Used In Description
sheart sheart /map2/j3d_effect/item/sheart.bmd itemappeartable, itemfishingtable, furnitureinfo A small heart that bounces in place. It will heal 10 HP.
move_sheart sheart /map2/j3d_effect/item/sheart.bmd itemappeartable, furnitureinfo Same as a normal small heart, but this one has IsEscape set to 1 so that it will randomly bounce around the room.
mheart mheart /map2/j3d_effect/item/mheart.bmd N/A A medium heart that bounces in place. It will heal 20 HP. Small hearts will turn into medium hearts via ASM when Luigi has 100 coins (200 coins in Hidden Mansion)
move_mheart mheart /map2/j3d_effect/item/mheart.bmd N/A Same as a normal medium heart, but this one has IsEscape set to 1 so that it will randomly bounce around the room.
lheart lheart /map2/j3d_effect/item/lheart.bmd N/A (UNUSED) A large heart that bounces in place. It will heal 50 HP.
move_lheart lheart /map2/j3d_effect/item/lheart.bmd itemappeartable, furnitureinfo Same as a normal large heart, but this one has IsEscape set to 1 so that it will randomly bounce around the room.

Hostile Items

These items will hurt Luigi if he comes into contact with them.

Item Name Actor Name File Location Used In Description
banana banana /data/model/banana.arc itemfishingtable, characterinfo A banana that will fly out and land on the ground. If Luigi walks on top of this banana, he will slip and fall, taking 5 HP of damage (10 HP on US/PAL Hidden Mansion). Note that bananas are also able to be loaded through characterinfo, which Nintendo used to add obstacles in the Dining Room.
mkinoko mkinoko /data/model/mkinoko.arc itemappeartable, itemfishingtable A poison mushroom that will fly out and bounce around the room randomly. If Luigi comes into contact with it, he will lose coins and shrink for a short time, making him unable to use his vacuum.
itemboms itemboms /data/model/bomb2.arc N/A A small bomb that will explode after a short period of time, dealing 5 HP of damage to Luigi (10 HP on US/PAL Hidden Mansion) if he comes in contact with the flames. This bomb is used by Ceiling Surprises and the Twins, but it's handled by ASM and not by JMP.

Miscellaneous Items

Some other items that can be spawned.

Item Name Actor Name File Location Used In Description
key_XX key01 /root/model/key01.szp itemappeartable, treasuretable, furnitureinfo, keyinfo The normal key used to unlock doors with JMP door number XX. Nintendo hid these keys inside furniture, chests, and had them spawn out of thin air with keyinfo.
key02 /root/model/key02.szp treasuretable Chauncey's heart key.
key03 /root/model/key03.szp treasuretable Bogmire's club key.
key04 /root/model/key04.szp treasuretable Boolossus's diamond key.
key05 /root/model/key05.szp itemappeartable, furnitureinfo Van Gore's spade key. It comes out of his chest painting with the item_table field in furnitureinfo once the room is cleared.
money nothing Furniture Money itemappeartable, furnitureinfo A placeholder entry used together with the generate field in furnitureinfo to spawn money from furniture. money entries are incompatible with anything besides furniture.
nothing nothing N/A N/A A placeholder entry used to make no item spawn.